ArticlesBlogProjectsStartupsCVHarald ArthurAsmus

Who Am I & What Is My Mission

Imagine something utterly inspiring here.
Ah, here it is...
"Und am Ende der Straße steht ein Haus am See." - Peter Fox


Fueled by unhealthy amounts of caffeine I seek to learn new knowledge and try to turn them into startups. Currently I have 2 of those. My fields of interest are biohacking, physics and robotics.


I dabbled in street magic when I was younger. But then I found coding. Coding is no cheap gimmick. It is a powerful tool and I intend to use it as such. My main languages are C#, Python and JS.


You know robots are cool and so do I and that's why I built them sometimes.


Find here what I did and what I am currently working on.

Screaming Potato

Need I say more?

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Board game recreated as online game.

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Open-source library to create Zebra labels in C#.

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Browser plugin to enhance the GitHub web experience.

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exGOOSYmoi (ongoing)

Prediction system for the next undiscovered element.